Live by Claudia P.
Claudia, multi-disciplinary designer, thrilled by samples, sounds and a bit of nerd galore.
Decha - Tonca
AV Moves - Sorry Too Much
Tarotplane - Ceramic Heartbreak
Coil - Sex with Sun Ra (Part Two)
ssaliva - isolation
Vnutrennego Kosmosa - God is God
Alpha Stone - Martian Interlude
Coil - Sex with Sun Ra (Part One - Saturnalia)
VARUNA - Masdar
Domoko - These Hands Are Not Mine
Emra Grid - Seneca
Cabasa - Catching Fire Slowly
Carmen Villain - Gestures (w/ Arve Henriksen)
Steven Rutter - Memories of You
Silent Observer - 2000 BEATS AWAY
Lingua Lustra - Ripples
Marco Shuttle - Winds of Cydonia
Hieroglyphic Being, Swarthy Korwar & Shabak Hutching - Dimensions Of Frequency & Vibrations
Black Lesbian Fisherman - To Sic A Goddess
Lena Platonos - To Paidi Tis Paramonis
Bulk Erase - Pye Audio
George Theodorakis - Nicotine 2
Tout Bleau - Otium
Due Matte - Apples from Peru
God is God - Golden Sparkling Ball
Gilbert Cohen & Ariel Kalma - Avoir Ou Etre
New Age Doom - Life is An Experiment
Doug Wimbish - Logdrum
Dubmonger - Crumble
YNV - Golden Hour Ritual
African Head Charge - Full Charge
Adrian Sherwood - Semistoned
Flux - The Value Of Nothing
Andy Martin - Revolution
Chateau Flight - Crazy (Original Mix)
Uwalmassa - Rantas
Le Marais - B1. The Lordship of Dulac
YNV - Ronin
Suemori - Minamoto
Haf Haf - A Van Down A River
IIDRAMA - es buida
Geins't Naït - La Plus Belle De Tout Le Quartier
Alchem - HMS Beagle
Cover by Lo Zizo
DISCLAIMER: we hereby declare that we do not own the rights to this music/songs. All rights belong to the owner. No Copyright Infringement Intended.